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It's Official!  I'm set to Re-open for June 9th!  And boy, have I've missed you!!

Things to know in moving forward :

   Your safety, health, and comfort is of great importance to me.  I have done what I can to make sure transitioning into the ‘new normal’ is as simple as possible, though there are a lot of regulations to manage.

   Let’s start with the measures put in place to keep you safe while honouring the times we are living in.

What I can assure you of:

  • As an Acupuncturist, I have always followed strict regulations on cleaning and safety measures set out by the CTCMA.

  • This includes disinfection of the treatment table in between patients and new sheets and towels for every person.

  • Sterile zones for all needles and equipment used.

  • Proper disinfection of all cups and other medical equipment between every client.

  • Only single-use sterile needles are to be used on the body.

  • If I find myself exhibiting any signs of illness, or know that I’ve been in contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid, I will not be attending the clinic.

Extra safety measures to be followed :

  • During treatment, we will not be able to maintain the 6 feet of distancing required, therefore it is highly recommended that each patient wear a face mask for the duration of their treatment session.  If you have a double-layered homemade face mask, this will be ok, but surgical masks are recommended because they have more layers to stop droplets from getting past.  If you do not have a mask, I will have a some surgical masks available at the front desk. The first mask is my gift to you, after this you may purchase a mask for a toonie.

  • As your health care professional, I will be wearing a surgical face mask before you arrive for treatment, as well as for the duration of treatment, as mandated by the CTCMA.  Please know that I’m still smiling at you even if you can’t see it :) !

  • Within the treatment room, I may also wear safety goggles or a face shield as advised when in close proximity.

  • Talking within the treatment room will be somewhat reduced from previous times, to manage and control droplet exposure.

  • If this is your first appointment with me, the 20-30 minute consultation part of the appointment will now be done over the phone or via video-conferencing.

  • All surfaces and furniture inside the treatment room will be disinfected between each patient.

  • As the patient, it is recommended that you continue to wear your mask until you have left the premises of the clinic.

What it is actually going to look like to come in for an appointment :

  *First and foremost, if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please cancel your appointment and stay home until symptoms have completely cleared up.  You can call 8-1-1 for assistance and to ask any questions about your condition. There will be no cancellation fees for cancelling due to illness.

These symptoms are :

  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Body Aches

  • General feeling of being unwell

  • Loss of sense of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Runny nose



  • Upon booking, you will receive a short survey to fill out for ‘Pre-screening’ purposes.  This is a new mandate and I will have to give you a phone call if it has not been filled out before your appointment.

  • The CTCMA and the ATCMA have advised all Chinese Medicine practitioners not to use in-person tongue diagnosis at this time, however, I would find it very helpful if you’re able to take a photo of your tongue just before our appointment. I know this task may not be as straightforward as it sounds so I have included a link here on how to take a proper tongue photo.  You can either text me the photo or send it via email.

  • When arriving for your appointment, we ask that you wait in the safety of your own car (we have been advised to dismantle the waiting room).  I will alert you a few minutes before your appointment time when I am ready to welcome you into to the clinic.

  • There will be hand sanitizer for you to use once you are inside the main entrance.  We ask that you fully sanitize or wash your hands for 20 seconds upon entering the clinic and before using the clinic’s washroom.

  • Upon arrival, I will be screening you once again, taking your temperature with a non-touch thermometer, and getting you to sign a ‘consent to treatment’ waiver if you have not already done so online.

  • We will proceed to treatment room at a safe distance.  Because it is a multi-practitioner/ multi-discipline clinic, we have done our best to stagger appointment times between practitioners so that you will not meet other people in the hallway.

  • After your treatment session, I will leave you to get your things together, but will return to escort you to the main entrance.  

  • At this time it has been recommended that all payments be done electronically so that there is no need to linger in communal spaces after the appointment. *Please note, upon booking, the system will require a credit card to hold on file which can be charged after treatments to reduce touching of shared surfaces. To save time, you are also able to pre-pay for the appointment through the online booking system. If you wish to pay with E-transfer, this works too.  The email you can use is . Cash will not be accepted at this time.

Concerning cancellation policies :

  • Cancellation fees will be waived if cancellation is due to feeling ill.

  • When possible, please give at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel your appointment.  Someone else in need could benefit from that treatment time.

  • The No-Show policy remains the same: 100% treatment cost will be charged to the credit card on file.

   *In order for the body to heal it needs to be in complete relaxation or parasympathetic mode.  This is the space that I intend the clinic to be.  So if there are any safety measures that would make you feel even more comfortable than these mandates, please let me know.  Your comfort level is very important and I am happy to oblige when possible.

Useful Resources and Links :

1. Home Covid-19 Self-assessment tool and other resources:

2. Direct link to Self Assessment tool :

3. BCCDC -Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Community-Based Allied Health Care Providers in Clinic Settings

4. How to take a proper Tongue photo :

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