In your first Session
It is best to wear loose-fitting clothing, but if need be I will have some loose pants that you may use. There will be an intake form for you to fill out when you arrive which should take approximately 5minutes. Feel free to arrive early to do this.
We will go over the form together and I will ask you many supplemental questions so that I get a very clear picture of your overall health history and current issue(s). I will also use Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis here.
We will then discuss which modalities and treatment schedule will work best for you.
After our discussion, I will provide a 60minute treatment using one or more or the modalities offered.
After treatment, I will offer recommendations on Food Therapy, Yoga, and other physical exercises that you can do at home to support the healing process.
A Follow-up Session
It is best to wear loose-fitting clothing, but if need be I will have some loose pants that you may use. There will be an intake form for you to fill out when you arrive which should take approximately 5minutes. Feel free to arrive early to do this.
We will go over the form together and I will ask you many supplemental questions so that I get a very clear picture of your overall health history and current issue(s). I will also use Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis here.
We will then discuss which modalities and treatment schedule will work best for you.
After our discussion, I will provide a 60minute treatment using one or more or the modalities offered.
After treatment, I will offer recommendations on Food Therapy, Yoga, and other physical exercises that you can do at home to support the healing process.
We will start with a short consultation including tongue and pulse diagnosis, then move right into treatment that was discussed in the first session. If any new modalities are required they will be discussed and agreed upon before use in treatment.
A Follow-up Session
Modalities Offered
We will start with a short consultation including tongue and pulse diagnosis, then move right into treatment that was discussed in the first session. If any new modalities are required they will be discussed and agreed upon before use in treatment.
Acupuncture : Extremely thin needles are inserted in certain specialized points within the body to stimulate circulation, relieve pain, speed healing, and generally bring balance and well-being to mind, body, and spirit.
Fire-Cupping : Glass cups are heated and applied to the body where they will cause a 'suction-effect' on the skin. This technique is excellent for releasing stagnation causing muscular tension and pain, as well as for overcoming fever/colds/or flu.
Gua-Sha : Is the ancient Chinese Method of 'scraping'. It is done with a wooden or ivory tool, and scraped against the skin until some redness occurs. This signifies the release of tension and blockages much like Cupping.
Tui-Na : Is the Chinese form of therapeutic massage. Meant to wake-up or stimulate the acupoints to make them more receptive to needles, as well as to promote circulation and healing to the tissues.
Moxibustion : This is the practice of burning Chinese Mugwort at the site of the acu-point. Generally, the herb is placed on the end of the needle. This method is excellent at warming and moving energy. Great for digestive issues and fertility!
Scalp Acupuncture : Needles are placed corresponding to certain motor and sensory areas of the brain. This can have an amazing effect in stimulating mobility as well as the sensory organs.
We will start with a short consultation including tongue and pulse diagnosis, then move right into treatment that was discussed in the first session. If any new modalities are required they will be discussed and agreed upon before use in treatment.

~Because of my background in Thai Massage, I tend to use this form of massage mixed with the Tui-na at the beginning of each session. Thai Massage uses the energy lines of the body and produces a profound effect on circulation and healing.
~I also make use of the intuitive teachings of my Reiki training to provide more insight to your treatment, if called for and invited.
*As well, dim lighting, soft music, and an Infrared TDP Lamp is used to provide maximum relaxation and healing in every treatment*